Montblanc Boutiques

Six years ago, Noé Duchaufour-Lawrance created Neo, a brand new concept for Montblanc boutiques. The concept has evolved ever since and tends to be bright and dynamic. A boutique is composed of wall units and free-standing units, each displaying one type of products. My work was to develop the design of different modules in order to implement them in future boutique openings. I worked with Isabelle Cappuccio, director of Retail Design and Store Planning department.


Update the wall unit module dedicated to personalization.

My goals as an interior designer


My design process for Montblanc will be demonstrated through the Personalization project. Personalization allows customers to fine tune their leather goods to their needs. First of all, we set up a meeting with all the stakeholders to define needs for everyone. Then, we met weekly to discuss project progress.

Picture of the former Personalization module.

01. How did I start this project?

When I created a new design for Montblanc, my first stage was to study the current module and to see its weaknesses and strengths, how the products are displayed and how it could be improved. After this study, I looked for inspiration and at the trends in magazines, websites and places that I visited. I gathered all the ideas that I found interesting and coherent and created a moodboard, which is a board made up of photos that inspired me, with key words to demonstrate my ideas to my director.

02. How did I conceptualize?

I started with some quick sketches to explain to the stakeholders what I aimed to do. After approval, I created models using 3D software (SketchUp) and launched some renders (with Vray). Exploring different ideas gave us a lot of options when I presented them for approval and explained pros and cons of each one, depending on the budget and how easy it was to implement it into a boutique.

With Isabelle Cappuccio and one of my former colleague Silvia Lucca, we decided to create steps which will address directly to the customer and will make him understand what to do. We also placed the tools and products that can be used to personalize their leather goods, such as coloured foils, different fonts for moveable types and examples of customized leather products. To demonstrate the Personalization unit designs to stakeholders, I integrated (using Photoshop) the module in a picture of a real shop, to demonstrate the size and products in the surrounding units.

What happens if I don’t get approval?

I iterate on designs and explore new ideas. I talk to my colleagues to get their inputs, iterate on the moodboard, find other inspiration sources and conceptualize until I get approval.

03. How did I develop the approved ideas?

After approval of all stakeholders, I created the layout (AutoCAD) of the module and write down the sizing and important details (materials, lighting, assemblage). This let me outline all the technical aspects of the unit, and list the components. We can also print out the technical drawing details on a one-to-one scale to know how the customer will see it - is it the right size? Are products easy to reach? It allows us to understand client’s behavior and modify the drawings if necessary.

How to be sure that everything will be aligned in the boutique?

We have a special room for life size prototypes, sent by our suppliers. I used to go there to measure all the modules next to the one that I was working on.

04. How did I prepare for production?

Our suppliers Oldenburger are responsible for the production of Montblanc store furniture. I was the one assuring the liaising with them - sending renders and technical drawing details of the project. They studied them and proposed production drawings. I reviewed them, ensured nothing was missing, added notes, and sent them back. This process ensured drawings were perfected before production.

Finalizing of the project

After prototype approval, production is launched

  • Personalization unit will be announced in our newsletter
  • The boutiques are updated with the new modules
  • Store planners will integrate them in their new projects

Picture of IFS Chengdu in China.

Other modules that I designed

SLG MLG Presentation.
IFS Chengdu in China and Via Montenapoleone in Milan.

Gift Corner.
IFS Chengdu in China.